There's More Epiphany Masses! Hot off the Press
There's more Epiphany Masses!!!!! Please fell free to post any other Mass Times in the Combox!!…
There's more Epiphany Masses!!!!! Please fell free to post any other Mass Times in the Combox!!…
Please see the following news from the LMS in Clifton:- Thank to the persistent efforts of Justin S…
The YCA Latest News blog headlines have just been incorporated onto the main YCA site! See http://w…
Meet for the "Traditional Latin Mass"/Extraordinary Form (organised by Good Counsel Netwo…
On Friday, 19th November at 5pm, the annual Mass for departed benefactors of Aid to the Church in N…
Prayer Procession “500 Crosses for Life” London, Saturday, 13 November 2010 Every day more th…
"On October 13, 1917 a crowd believed to be approximately 70,000 in number, gathered at the Co…
Dear Friend of Our Lady, A reminder that the Rosary Crusade of Reparation, in its Jubilee Year, tak…
From The other day, I mentioned the Sun's p…
This was the most delicate political event of Benedict XVI's trip to the United Kingdom. The Po…
PRESS RELEASE – SEPTEMBER 8th 2010. The Catholic Bishops’ Conference have taken the inspired decisi…
Aid to the Church in Need Annual Mass and ‘Hope Without Fear’ Event, taking place at Westminster Ca…
Juventutem international gathering A week-end hosted by Young Catholic Adults, Douai Abbey, Berkshi…
There are just a few places left for the Juventutem weekend, hosted by Young Catholic Adults the En…
People going to the Juventutem Conference Organised by Young Catholic Adults at Douai Abbey 10-12th…
Protect the is a new website which counters attacks on Pope Benedict’s reputation and int…
The English is rough and ready in the following but the meaning is crystal clear! Pope Says Mass Pr…
H/t to Fr. Ray Blake, who speaks for a very large proportion of the Church in the UK, who are exasp…
A year ago a new film about Fatima came out called The 13th Day. The film opened in the USA in Octo…
Independent Catholic News have put up a piece about the Juventutem Conference organised by Yooung C…
This most important book on the priest to come out during this year of the priesthood places the be…
Have you ever been asked why Traditional Catholics like to have Mass celebrated in a language …
Vigil of Pentecost, 22 May 2010 ‘Ad Deum qui laetificat + juventutem meam’ Dear Juventutem Friends,…
vatican — 14 May 2010 — On Thursday morning, Benedict XVI arrived in silent prayer before the tomb…
The annual YCA weekend at Douai Abbey has always been aimed at the UK (or more precisely England an…
ArcadiaFilmsLTD — 06 April 2010 — From heaven, in his own words, St. Alphonsus shares the process o…
Here's a sample of what's on YouTube from Fr. Corapi.
The Good Counsel Network is a group which works tirelessly to help women in crisis pregnancies. Fr.…
Pope Benedict XVI says the clerical child abuse scandal shows that the greatest threat to Catholici…
During the weekend of the 10-12 September . Young Catholic Adults will be running the 2010 Juventut…
St Catherine’s Trust have very kindly helped produce the new YCA Newsletter. To download it go here…
The Light of the World Sunday, 27th June at 2:00pm, followed by Mass at 5:30pm The Oratory, Hagley …
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I have just watched shameful denunciations on the BBC, of Pope Benedict, from such people as Michae…
We will be meeting up at the 11am Traditional Mass at ST. WILLIAM OF YORK CATHOLIC CHURCH in Readin…
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