I have been asked to advertise the following event (please note it is for the Ordinary form only).
Schola Gregoriana
Gregorian Chant Festival Douai Abbey, May 2-4 2023
This special event at Douai (near Reading RG7 5TQ) will prepare and use Chant for Compline, Vespers and Latin Masses in the Ordinary Form of the Roman Rite. All options include tuition, rehearsal, provision of music, other events and daytime catering but other options include full board from the afternoon of May 2 to lunch on May 4.
A limited reduction of fees may be available to clergy, full time students and the unwaged.
For details contact John Curran; (JPCSedate@aol.com or by ‘phone 01509 852259 [before 8pm]).
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