Traditional Retreat at Douai Abbey 4th -6th July 2008

During the weekend of the 4th- 6th July Young Catholic Adults will be running a Traditional Retreat at Douai Abbey, the retreat will be led by Br. Christopher Greener who will give a series of talks on St. Benedict. The weekend will be full-board (except for the Sunday lunch). Douai Abbey, situated on high ground in the Berkshire countryside overlooking the beautiful Kennet valley towards the distant Hampshire downs, is within easy reach of London, Reading, Oxford and many places of interest. It provides an ideal setting for quiet reflection, retreats and for conferences.

Hospitality has been a special concern of monasteries from the earliest times. St Benedict teaches in the Rule "All guests are to be welcomed as Christ". All rooms are fully en-suite offering accommodation for guests in the Bl Hugh Faringdon , St Alban Roe and the St Benet Biscop buildings.

One of the comments frequently made about Douai is that it offers an environment and atmosphere of peace and serenity, where the cares of daily life can be left behind.
  • Places are limited so please book early
  • YCA will have it’s own area set aside
  • There will be a social bar available in the evening
  • A Marian Procession will take place on Saturday 5th July in the Abbey grounds
  • Traditional Mass will be celebrated on Sunday 6th July at an FSSP
    Mass Centre (approx 15 mins away)
The cost of the weekend will be:-

Saturday 5th – Sunday 6th July

48 pounds full-board (except Sunday lunch)
25 pounds for students/low waged/unwaged

Friday 4th - Saturday 5th – Sunday 6th July
88 pounds full-board (except Sunday lunch)
45 pounds for students/low waged/unwaged

Or come for the day on Saturday 5th July
Suggested donation 5 pounds (extra for meals)

To reserve your place FOR THE WEEKEND (no deposit needed if you are coming for the day on Saturday 5th July), please a 20 pound deposit (NON RETURNABLE) to Damian Barker, Flat 5, 12 St. Catherine Street, Kingsholm, Gloucester, Glos. GL2 9DU (please make any cheques payable to YCA).

Please see below for more photos of Douai and the guest accomodation



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  1. Looks good! :)

    How easy is it to get to Douai? (sans car)

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Yes it's quite seasy - change at Reading if coming from London or the West Country

  4. And from Scotland! ;-)

  5. The best bet would be to fly to Gatwick and then get the train to Reading and then Midgham – (cost c. 50-70 pounds return).

    Alternatively, if coming by coach/train you would then have to get to Paddington Station and then Reading + Midgham. I’m happy to provide more detailed advice just email


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