Monday 19 December 2016

The Astonishing Secret Campaign by the Pope against Hitler

Astonishing facts about the resistance of Pius XII against Nazi Germany, during the war, have been released in a new book.  Kevin J. Jones from CNA/EWTN writes:-

"Pope Pius XII's secret support for the attempted overthrow of Nazi dictator Adolf Hitler is the subject of a recent book that draws on wartime documents and interviews with the American intelligence agent who wrote them.

“This book is the truth – as best I could establish it in a number of years of research – about the Pope’s secret operations in World War II,” historian Mark Riebling told CNA earlier this year….“Its main premise is that Pius opted to resist Hitler with covert action instead of overt protest. As a result, he became involved in three separate plots by German dissidents to remove Hitler.”

Riebling tells this story in his book “Church of Spies: The Pope's Secret War Against Hitler,” published by Basic Books in September 2015. In the late 1990s, debate over whether Pius XII did enough to counter the Nazis reached a high point with the publication of the deeply controversial book, “Hitler's Pope,” by British journalist John Cornwell. The book was highly critical of Pius XII, charging that he was culpably silent – if not an accomplice – in the rise of Nazism. During research on his previous book, “Wedge: The Secret War between the FBI and CIA,” Riebling discovered wartime documents from Angleton's Rome section of the Office of Strategic Services.

According to Riebling, his book does not charge that the Pope “tried to kill Hitler.” Rather, the Pope’s actions were more subtle….“Pius becomes a key cog in conspiracies to remove a ruler who is a kind of Antichrist, because good people ask for his help, and he searches his conscience, and he agrees to become an intermediary for the plotters – their foreign agent, as it were – and thereby he becomes an accessory to their plots.”

The historian described these actions as “some of the most astonishing events in the history of the papacy.” Pius XII had connections with three plots against Hitler. The first, from October 1939 to May 1940, involved German military conspirators. From late 1941 to spring of 1943 a series of plots involving the German Jesuits ended when a bomb planted on Hitler’s plane failed to explode.The third plot again involved German Jesuits and also German military colonel Claus von Stauffenberg. Although the colonel successfully planted a bomb near the Nazi dictator, it failed to kill Hitler. The priests had to flee after the failed attempt. Those unable to escape were executed.

Pius XII's agents provided the Allies with useful intelligence about Hitler's war plans on three occasions, including Hitler’s planned invasion of Russia. In all three cases, the Allies did not act on the information.

For their part, the Nazis regarded Pius XII with suspicion since his election in 1939.“He worked hard to allay those suspicions, to minimize persecutions of German Catholics. But the Nazis never dropped their guard,” Riebling said…”at one point Hitler planned to invade the Vatican, kidnap the Pope and bring him to Germany. Leading Nazi Heinrich Himmler wanted to have the Holy Father publicly executed to celebrate the opening of a new soccer stadium,” Riebling said….“Pius became aware of these plans, through his secret papal agents; and, in my view, that influenced the Holy Father’s decision to become involved with the anti-Nazi resistance.”

For Riebling, the assassination plots against Hitler were an admission of weakness, “because it’s saying that we can’t solve the problem by some other means…. when he heard that a priest was arrested for praying for the Jews and sent off to a concentration camp, he said: 'I wish everyone would do that.'”

For the full article see:-

Tags: Vatican, Pius XII, World War II, Hitler, Spies,

Sunday 18 December 2016

Prinknash Abbey in 1964

The still below is taken from the Bristol Film and Video Society's filming of Prinknash Abbey in 1964, before the changes:-

 The full film can be seen by clicking the following link here:-

Friday 16 December 2016

Thursday 15 December 2016

The Founder of the Franciscan Friars of the Immaculate - All Charges Dropped!

Fr. Manelli celebrating Mass

Some excellent news from Italy:-

Rorate Coeli reports:-

"The charges against Father Stefano Manelli, founder of the Franciscan Friars of the Immaculate have been dropped. After about a year of investigations, the Deputy State Prosecutor at the Court of Avellino, Doctor A. Del Bene, has asked for the closing of the proceedings against the religious, whose Order is still under commissioning without a valid reason having ever been given by the Congregation for Religious. 

Father Stefano Manelli had recently been the subject of a particularly virulent press campaign – which seems in reality to have been promoted and inspired by someone within his own religious order..."

The charges against Father Stefano Manelli, founder of the Franciscan Friars of the Immaculate have been dropped. After about a year of investigations, the Deputy State Prosecutor at the Court of Avellino, Doctor A. Del Bene, has asked for the closing of the proceedings against the religious, whose Order is still under commissioning without a valid reason having ever been given by the Congregation for Religious. 

Father Stefano Manelli had recently been the subject of a particularly virulent press campaign – which seems in reality to have been promoted and inspired by someone within his own religious order
- See more at:
founder of the Franciscan Friars of the Immaculate have been dropped. - See more at:
founder of the Franciscan Friars of the Immaculate have been dropped. - See more at:
founder of the Franciscan Friars of the Immaculate have been dropped. - See more at:
founder of the Franciscan Friars of the Immaculate have been dropped. - See more at:
founder of the Franciscan Friars of the Immaculate - See more at:
founder of the Franciscan Friars of the Immaculate - See more at:

Wednesday 14 December 2016

Breaking News:Cardinal Kasper: Pope’s ‘next declaration’ should allow ‘shared Eucharistic communion’ with Protestants

Cardinal Kasper (left) with Cardinal Danneels

Cardinal Kasper makes yet another demand, after his communion for the divorced and re-married proposal.

What will be next?

Lifesite news states:-

"December 14, 2016 (LifeSiteNews) — “I hope that the next declaration opens the way for shared Eucharistic communion in special cases.” With these words, Cardinal Walter Kasper expressed his wish for ecumenical “progress” in the form of “intercommunion” in an interview with Italian newspaper Avvenire on December 10.

“Personally, I hope that we can use an unofficial text, prepared by a commission in the bishops’ conference of the United States, regarding this subject,” he explained.
On October 31, Pope Francis visited Lund, Sweden, a city in a country with a large Lutheran population, to commemorate the anniversary of Martin Luther’s Reformation. This anniversary – far from being a joyful observance considering the separation Luther created caused long-lasting wounds in the Church – was preceded by countless preparations, including a visit of a Luther statue in the Vatican and a climate of anticipation for intercommunion by the Pope himself.

Just about a month later, in the Avvenire interview, Cardinal Kasper has gone a step further, stating that, for him, intercommunion is just a matter of time. “On the one hand, Lund has confirmed the ecumenical process and the results of the proceeding dialogue; on the other hand, it has given it a new thrust.”

Kasper seeks to apply the principle for “remarried” divorcees to receive Communion under special circumstances to mixed marriages. That would be a rule of “exception,” or what can be called the Kasper proposal. Cardinal Kasper hopes for the admission of Lutherans to Catholic Communion, particularly in family settings. “The next declaration will open the Eucharistic sharing in particular situations, especially in mixed marriages and families and in countries like Germany and the United States where this pastoral problem is extremely pressing.”

Tuesday 13 December 2016

Opus Dei Leader Dies Aged 84

Javier Echevarría Rodríguez RIP.

From the Catholic Herald:-

"Bishop Javier Echevarría Rodríguez, the Prelate of Opus Dei, has died at the age of 84 after a lung infection. He had been suffering from pneumonia.

In a statement, Opus Dei said that Bishop Echevarría’s “clinical situation was complicated in the final hours provoking respiratory insufficiency, which resulted in his death.” He received the last sacraments from Mgr Fernando Ocáriz Braña, vicar general of Opus Dei.

The bishop was the third prelate of Opus Dei, following St Josemaría Escrivá, the founder of the organisation, and Blessed Álvaro del Portillo. Like Blessed Álvaro, he was personally chosen by St Josemaría as a successor.

Opus Dei has around 90,000 members, of which the overwhelming majority are laymen and women. Its aim is to help people know God in their ordinary lives."

For the full article please see:-

UFO Sighting Above the Vatican - “Out of this world.”


In a statement issued by the Vatican head of Cosmology, Ukrainian born Fr Ima Sceptic described the recent UFO sighting above the Vatican as “Out of this world.”

Fr. Sceptic has spent the last 30 years heading a team of nerdy clergy known affectionately within Vatican circles  as ‘The Geek Squad’. They can be easily recognised by the sticky plaster that holds the bridge of their reading glasses together, and their rigidity in terms of liturgy.

“When this was first reported we thought it was just another hoax” explained Fr. Sceptic. “It was a very windy day. We rushed to the window and at that very moment witnessed a small black spacecraft floating on the breeze. It went right passed our window! We saw it with our own eyes!”
Fr Sceptic’s account can be verified by his assistant, American born Fr. Al Ien.

“He’s right” said Fr. Al Ien “It was about  40-50cm wide at the brim and looked like it was made out of something like Beaver fur.”

In other news…

There has been an unprecedented rise in sales of the famous Saturno hat worn by clergy in Rome this week.

Sales staff have advised priests not to wear the wide brimmed hat on very windy days due to an increase in fake UFO sightings this month.

H/t to

Label: Humour, Something a bit lighter.

Sunday 11 December 2016

Norcia 2017 Calendar Available for Free Download

"Of the many excellent options out there for traditional Catholic calendars (either EF exclusive or EF & OF combined), the Norcia wall calendar has become my favorite. This is not simply due to my being an oblate of the monastery, although I can't deny that that's a part of its appeal, but has to do with the meditative quality of the photos and the easy-to-follow layout, which works well for me as a choir and schola director who leads music for both forms of the Roman Rite. There are very few bi-formal wall calendars out there (Cantius is the only other one I know of, but readers could correct me in the combox if there are others.)

The monks of Norcia have made a beautiful calendar for 2017, but due to the upheavals, they will not be publishing it in paper form. It is available for free download here."

(It can be printed in a number of ways, but if you have access to 11"x17" paper, it prints nicely on that size.).

Thursday 8 December 2016

The Feast of the Immaculate Conception

Beware of the “Spirit” of Amoris Laetitia

A fascinating article by

"The presence of the Spirit should assure the faithful of God’s active guiding presence in his Church. Yet the way that some speak of the Spirit’s action, one would think it is less a personal Spirit that leads all into truth than a nebulous spirit that vaguely whispers to some, leaving others confused. Consider the usage of the baneful phrase “the spirit of Vatican II,” a curious expression that has served for decades as a catch-all for a collection of preferences and opinions that some would like to attribute to the work of the Second Vatican Council, but most if not all of which are strangely absent from the texts of the council. We have been told by certain prelates, theologians, and activists that everything from versus populum liturgy to soft-pedaling the dogmas on justification to radical changes in the understanding of Holy Orders and who may or may not be ordained would all follow from heeding the call of the “spirit of the council”—yet when the constitutions and decrees of the council are consulted, none of these ideas can be found, while their opposites certainly can be. The Spirit of the faith cannot be so far divorced from its formulations.

More recently, we have seen this expression used in reference to the controversies surrounding the interpretation of certain elements of the apostolic exhortation Amoris Laetitia. There can be no doubt that the document’s position on the reception of communion by the divorced and remarried is unclear, for different bishops and bishops’ conferences have released statements saying how perfectly and obviously clear it is, while coming to diametrically opposed conclusions. Thus, many parties have asked the Holy Father to clarify his teaching on the subject or declared their resolve to remain true to the traditional faith, from a filial appeal of bishops and theologians to the dubia submitted by several cardinals that have caused such a stir in ecclesial circles.

Other parties have argued that the document is quite clear..... Cardinal Kevin Farrell, head of the new Dicastery on Laity, Family, and Life, has said that Amoris Laetitia is “the Holy Spirit speaking.” The head of the Roman Rota, Msgr. Pio Vito Pinto, said that in the work of the two Synods on the Family, “The action of the Holy Spirit cannot be doubted.” The diocesan chancellor for San Diego has said of Bishop Robert McElroy’s planned implementation, “I think the bishop has made an opportunity for the Spirit to move in that way, and it’s a great thing.”

An article by Fr. James Martin, S.J., at the America magazine website argues that the essence of Amoris Laetitia’s teaching is the Jesuit tradition of the “discernment of spirits” .... which .... could legitimately lead one to conclude that God is calling them to receive Holy Communion even though they are knowingly committing mortally sinful acts, even if the Church teaches such an action would be gravely spiritually harmful. It’s a whispering of the Spirit, you see."

Senz, equates such attitudes with the error of montanism, he states:-

"Such a situation puts me in mind of ....Montanism, or Phrygianism, (which)was founded by the eponymous Montanus along with two prophetesses, Maximilla and Priscilla, in the second century in Asia Minor. Montanus believed himself to be a prophet of God through whom the Holy Spirit spoke directly, delivering new revelation to the Church. Maximilla and Priscilla eventually joined him, and the three entered ecstatic states in which they proclaimed their new truths. Chief among these innovations was a severe moral rigor and the belief that Christ’s work of redemption was incomplete. These excesses led to their condemnation by papal decree. Still, the extravagance of the seers and the allure of the possibility of being possessed by God drew many followers.

Whether it is the second or the twenty-first century, the idea of having one’s preferred ideas supported or even inspired by the action of the Holy Spirit is a seductive one. Thus we see a long history of various groups, sects, and schools of thought putting forth their ideas and defending them by declaring them “a movement of the Spirit.” And now, we see a movement to apply this defense at the individual level. Every Christian would in essence become a moral Montanist, needing only to say, “I feel led by the Spirit to do this” to justify their actions. But could this be? Could the Spirit lead us into sin in such a way....
One Timothy 2:4 tells us that “God desires all men to be saved and to come to a knowledge of the truth.” .... If God were to give this knowledge only to some, or to tell different things to different people, his desire could hardly be said to be universal. And if the movements of his Spirit lead to the ambiguities and enigmas some claim they do, he could hardly be said to be leading us to the truth. Thank God that is not the case."

For the  whole article see:-

Saturday 3 December 2016

Cheltenham Young Catholic Adults Christmas Party will take place on Saturday 10th December at 6:30pm

Source: Chelt Young Catholic Adults

Cheltenham Young Catholic Adults Christmas Party will take place on Saturday 10th December at 6:30pm in the “Bottle of Sauce” pub.

Address: Ambrose St.,Cheltenham, Gloucestershire.
Phone: 01242 256156

The venue has been described thus:- “A very cool place, not too be missed. Wicked decor, awesome music, incredibly good food at very reasonable prices. Ping pong table, private dining room and lush terrace top it all off nicely.”

Please text 07908105787 to confirm your place.

Friday 2 December 2016

Petition in support of the Four Cardinals and Five Dubia

sharpening a quill pen. Engraving by C. Guttenb

There is a petition in support of the Four Cardinals and their Five Dubia.

Fr. Z at states that we should sign this, he writes:-

"Please consider signing.  I, for one, want clarity about the questions submitted by the Four Cardinals.  The questions were necessary to maintain the integrity the papal Magisterium.  Certain elements of the Post-Synodal Apostolic Exhortation Amoris laetitia seem to contradict directly the Magisterium of St. John Paul II in, especially, Familiaris consortio and Veritatis splendor."

Singing Nuns! Caroling at Ephesus

The Benedictines of Mary, Queen of Apostles. They are fully traditional Catholic nuns and have just  released their Christmas CD.

To watch a beautiful video on the new CD, See below:-

Thursday 1 December 2016

Relics of Blessed Jacinta and Francisco will be travelling around England and Wales in 2017

The Pilgrim Virgin Statue has travelled
around the world since the 1950's
News from WAF (World Apostolate of Fatima) of England and Wales:-

"The National Pilgrim Virgin Statue of Our Lady of Fatima, and Relics of Blessed Jacinta and Francisco will be travelling around the country, visiting various Cathedrals and churches next year, 2017, which is the Centenary year of the Fatima message, which was given by the Blessed Virgin between May and October 1917.

The Statue and Relics will be visiting Cathedrals in the following Archdioceses/Dioceses on the dates given below, and it is hoped that there will other Cathedrals taking part in due course:


Archdiocese of Westminster 18-19 Feb 2017
Archdiocese of Cardiff 6-7 May 2017
Belmont Abbey 10 May 2017
Archdiocese of Southwark 13 May 2017
Diocese of Shrewsbury 20-21 May 2017
Diocese of Menevia 27-28 May 2017
Shrine of Our Lady of the Taper 27 May 2017
Diocese of Nottingham 2-4 June 2017
Ordinariate of Our Lady of Walsingham 10 June 2017
Diocese of Plymouth 24-25 June 2017
Diocese of Arundel & Brighton 1-2 July 2017
Archdiocese of Birmingham 29-30 July 2017
Diocese of Hallam 12-13 August 2017
Diocese of Clifton 19 August 2017
Diocese of Portsmouth 26-27 August 2017
Diocese of Leeds 2 September 2017
Diocese of Middlesborough 9-15 Sept 2017
Diocese of Hexham & Newcastle 16-17 Sept 2017
Diocese of East Anglia 23-24 Sept 2017
Diocese of Northampton 30 Sept-1 Oct 2017
Diocese of Salford Oct 21-22 2017
For more info see:-

Sunday 27 November 2016

The ‘Sindr’ app May Sound Silly, but it’s a Godsend for Young Catholic Adults


The Catholic Herald writes on its Comment & Blogs section about the new app "Sindr":-

"Yesterday, newspaper headline-writers received an early Christmas present from the Archdiocese of St Andrews and Edinburgh. The ‘Catholic App’, unveiled by Abp Cushley at the Vatican on Tuesday, is a map-based smartphone tool, that will help people find the nearest – and/or soonest – Mass or Confessions in the archdiocese.

A very good service, to be sure, for the faithful of south-east Scotland. Though perhaps not something to catch the imagination of the world’s media… Until, that is, someone, somewhere had the bright idea to attach the nickname ‘Sindr’ to the new app. This is a play, of course, on the popular ‘dating’ – who I am to judge? – apps Tinder and Grindr. (Themselves, it might be noted, no strangers to recent Catholic-related news stories.)

Now, not surprisingly, the Catholic App is a genuinely global news item. After all, what click-hungry subeditor could resist putting a piece out with the title ‘Done With Tinder? Try ‘Sindr,’ the Vatican’s New Confession Finder App’? Not the one at Time magazine, of all places, that’s for sure."

For more on this story see:-

Friday 25 November 2016

Catholics Everywhere Should be Grateful for the Four Cardinals’ Appeal - "Abandoning a Belief in Absolute Moral Norms would be a Catastrophe for the Church"

Fr. Alexander Lucie-Smith from the Catholic Herald explains why we need absolute moral norms, as explained in Pope John Paul's encyclical, "Veritatis Splendor," he writes:-

"Everyone is talking about the dubia, and so I will too, not that there is much need, given the already excellent and authoritative commentary that has come from a variety of sources, as, for example the scholar monk Dom Hugh Somerville-Knapman and the much respected Bishop Athanasius Schneider, the prelate who works at the very margins of the Church in Kazakhstan. Indeed, what need is there for commentary at all, when one of the authors of the dubia is Cardinal Caffarra, perhaps the greatest of our theologians, and another is Cardinal Burke, the best of our canonists?"

For more excellent analysis see:-
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