Friday 16 July 2010

English Catholic Establishment in Rebellion

H/t to Fr. Ray Blake, who speaks for a very large proportion of the Church in the UK, who are exasperated by the Catholic Establishment in this country. He states:-

"Professor Tina Beatie, Professor of Theology and Religious Studies at Roehampton University, is part of our English Catholic establishment; she is a Tablet board member! She also wrote that pro-abortion piece a few weeks ago that appeared in the establishments house paper.

Today she sends an open letter to the Pope expressing indignation at the recent clarification by the CDF on the ordination of women. She writes:

Today, I am ashamed to be Roman Catholic. It has become a Church blighted by ignorance, arrogance and the decadence of a dying regime mired in its own obsessive clinging to power.

Strong stuff eh?

There was recent interview somewhere by a senior cleric bewailing the Catholic Church being ...err Catholic. It is a bit strange that the "establishment" is in rebellion, forming a Church within a Church. The basis of Catholicism isn't proposiotional or clausal it is actually based on believing and professing "... all that the holy Catholic Church teaches, believes and proclaims to be revealed by God".
You see, what some just don't get is that Catholic just isn't Anglican. The Catholic Church just doesn't have the authority to suddenly decide to change its teaching. The Professor might well be right that many Catholic women have actually left the Church and become Anglicans, the truth is they have really stopped believing that the revelation of God is at the Church's very heart. The problem she has, and many in the establishment have, is really one of authority: ultimately, did Jesus lie when he promised to be with the Church until the end of time?"

Monday 12 July 2010

The 13th Day - Fatima Film

A year ago a new film about Fatima came out called The 13th Day. The film opened in the USA in October, and it is now available to order in the UK via Amazon!! Any film promoting Fatima seems like a good idea to me, so why not go out and buy it today!!

Wednesday 2 June 2010 Promotes Juventutem Retreat for Young Catholic Adults at Douai Abbey 2010

Independent Catholic News have put up a piece about the Juventutem Conference organised by Yooung Catholic Adults! To see more about Independent Catholic news goto

Monday 31 May 2010

Book : The Catholic Priest, Image of Christ

This most important book on the priest to come out during this year of the priesthood places the beauty, charity and the sacra mentality of the priesthood in the forefront. With its 560 illustrations from all periods of art and parts of the world the author has taken an interest in all aspects of the life of the priest, obviously most particular the celebration of the Eucharist which is the heart of his very being. Covered are even the priest as a monk and the charity of the priest seen on its highest level in the giving of himself in martyrdom.

The first and principle part with texts by the Holy Father, Cardinal Medina Estivez amongst others, describes not only what the priest does, but moreover who he is. This is followed by several chapters on the holiness and charity of the priest and after two inspiring texts on the Mass several examples are given such as St Bernard, Saint Jean-Marie Vianney, not to forget outstanding priests like St Maximillian Kolbe and Bl. Ivan Ziatyk, one who died at the hands of Nazism and the other during the insane years of Stalin in Ukraine. Before the conclusion the question is asked what is a vocation.

As an added interesting element, the author desired to keep Jesus contemporary and has asked himself how the Church should present Christ’s message in art today, a clear refusal of ‘Financial art’ which often is just a mockery of Christ and at the very best only shows His Crucifixion, but not His Resurrection. The author has found inspiring and prayerful alternatives from around the world of paintings done by living artists, who work as the Holy Father requests "in a continuity with the past, but not copying it." These new canvases find themselves in good company with painters such as Fra Angelico or Zurbaran. The Irish and British Saints and Martyrs have indeed not been forgotten and can be briefly seen on the clip on You Tube : Like the Church, a truly universal book.

With its stunning and beautiful layout, this book in six languages is a masterpiece in itself. With its challenging texts and profound iconography, it emphasises the mystic, sacramental and divine aspects of the priesthood, as well as the vital importance of the priest as a man of charity. A truly positive and encouraging gift to existing priests and seminarians during these tough times to be a priest. A tribute to the many existing holy priests, who by their being and their ministry embodies 'Other Christs', but who today are unsung heroes. It also forms an excellent gift to young people to deepen their Faith or to families, as it can be read as a kind of catechism.

The author is of Danish origin, with degrees in architecture and art (Oxford Polytechnic) and holds a master of science degree in management. He is a convert and was received into the Church at Westminster Cathedral in London. He now lives with his French wife and children in Normandy, as an organiser of international art exhibitions.

The book can be purchased directly from GRACEWING :
Alternatively, by sending a cheque of 40 pounds in the name of Gracewing (P&P free in Britain, please add £5 per copy for overseas postage) : GRACEWING, 2 Southern Avenue, Leominster, Herefordshire HR6 OQF, England.
For all inquiries : Tel : 01568 616835 E-mail :

Friday 28 May 2010

Why Does the Church Use Latin?

Have you ever been asked why Traditional Catholics like to have Mass celebrated in a language which no one can understand? I have had it asked of me and heard it asked of others. This is a great answer to why we prefer to have Mass celebrated in the Latin language. The video is taken from the consecration of the church of Saints Peter and Paul at the Fraternity of St. Peter seminary in Lincoln, Nebraska. The full footage of the ceremony can be found here:

H/t to an anonymous Priest from the FSSR on Papa Stronsay for writing the above.

Juventutem News - Juventutem International Gathering 10-12 September 2010, England

Vigil of Pentecost, 22 May 2010

‘Ad Deum qui laetificat + juventutem meam’

Dear Juventutem Friends,

Cordial greetings to all of you worldwide!

4th Anniversary:

In two days, on May 24th, I invite you to pray for our Federation International Juventutem which will be… four years old. It is normally the Feast of Our Lady Help of Christians. But this year the Monday after Pentecost will take precedence. For that reason, I have offered yesterday a Votive Mass of Our Lady Help of Christians at all your and our intentions as members or supporters of Juventutem.


Just I write to you and all along this week-end of Pentecost, some Juventutem members from France, Italy and other countries are walking from Paris to Chartres in France as part of the famous Pilgrimage of Christendom – the largest Extraordinary Form event in the world every year with 8,000 persons walking 70 miles in 2 ½ days. Let us pray for them, and we can be sure they pray for us also.

Deceased supporters:

I am sorry to announce to you the death in Bern, Switzerland, of two benefactors of our Federation.

Mrs Marie Vogel tragically died on 3 January 2010 after a fire in her building. Also in Bern, Mr Heinz Müller died of cancer in hospital on 19 April 2010. Those who attended our International Gathering in Bern last year and in 2008 will have met him then. Please remember them in your prayers. Requiescant in pace.

New contacts:

Request for founding groups in Canada and the U.S.A. were sent to us. It is good to see interest various places in North America. We are sorry for the delays in dealing with the request. We hope to have more regular contacts in the future.

Annual international meeting: 10-12 September 2010, England

Our annual meeting 2010 will not take place in Bern, Switzerland but in Douai Abbey, England. Like in 2009 and 2008, we hope that as many representatives as possible will be able to come. Douai Abbey is located 30mn from Reading, the base of the Priestly Fraternity of Saint Peter in England. It is also 1h south of Oxford and two hours west from London. A good location to visit places of interest in England, starting with places associated with our Catholic faith, such as the martyrs of Oxford, the place of the gallows Tyburn in London or the monument to Saint Thomas More. Also, the Holy Father Pope Benedict XVI will be in England a couple of days after our week-end (16-19 September 2010). If you come from a distance, why not plan to stay longer and attend at least the Prayer Vigil in Hyde Park, London on Saturday 18th September 2010? Accommodation could possibly be worked out for you.

Juventutem Ecclesiastical Assistant Fr de Malleray, FSSP, Juventutem Treasurer Cosimo Marti and other representatives have already said they would be present. Our English Juventutem group (i.e. Young Catholic Adults) have kindly agreed to coordinate the event. The weekend will be full-board. Places are limited so please book early.
* We will have half of the retreat centre to ourselves
* There will be a Marian Procession, Rosaries, Sung Mass, Low Mass, Confession and socials
* Fr. de Malleray FSSP Chaplain of Juventutem will give the conferences; Masses will be in the Extraordinary form
Prices range from £5 (approx 6 Euros) to £51 (approx 60 Euros) per person per night .
See for more info. How to book - limited places so please reserve your place early

To reserve your place FOR THE WEEKEND (no deposit needed if you are coming for the day on Saturday 5th July), please send a 20 pound deposit (NON REFUNDABLE) to Damian Barker, Flat 5, 12 Saint Catherine Street, Kingsholm, Gloucester, Glos. GL2 9DU (please make any cheques payable to ‘Damian Barker’). For enquiries ring him on +44(0)7908105787 or email Damian on

World Youth Day 2011 in Spain:

The preparation for World Youth Day 2011 in Madrid, Spain, is going well. Representatives had a meeting at the monastery of Le Barroux, France last month.


We remind all members to send their yearly contribution to our Treasurer Cosimo Marti.

All Group leaders are also requested to email back an update with : the current valid email address of the group, the current number of members in their group, with their name, age and contact details.

We thank all those who have sent us news and update. This is vital for us to keep in touch, since distance make it difficult to meet often.

Our spiritual commitments:

Let us check that we are faithful to our commitments, and if we aren’t, let us make a resolution to improve and ask Our Lady to help us:

1. recite daily for the sanctification of youths the extract from Psalm 42 «Judica Me », (“Judge me O Lord” - full text under Spirituality on or say a prayer of your choosing (Hail Mary or Our Father for instance);

2. enter into a church or oratory once a week to adore Our Lord really present in the tabernacle;

3. once a year or more: attend Holy Mass in the 1962 Roman rite; go to Confession; on behalf of Juventutem, partake in some faith activity (Holy Hour, doctrinal talk, pro-life initiative, charitable action, excursion, etc).

May Our Lady Help of Christian protect and guide you towards her divine Son.


On behalf of the Bureau,

Fr Armand de Malleray, FSSP - Chaplain of the Juventutem Federation

Thursday 20 May 2010

Pope: An indelible sign of the love of Mary is at Fatima

vatican — 14 May 2010 — On Thursday morning, Benedict XVI arrived in silent prayer before the tombs of the young shepherds at Fatima, witnesses of the Marian apparitions between May 13 and October 13, 1917 . Inside the Basilica of the Shrine of Fatima, in fact, lie the sister and brother, Jacinta and Francisco Marto, who were beatified by Pope John Paul II ten years ago, and Lucia de Jesus, who later became Sister Maria Lucia of the Immaculate Heart, and whose cause for beatification was launched February 13, 2008, on the third anniversary of her death. The Virgin revealed to them the horizon of hope which never disappoints, and of a love that can comfort even those in danger of succumbing to the "quicksand of sickness". ...

Young Catholic Adults Host International Juventutem Conference for the First Time!

The annual YCA weekend at Douai Abbey has always been aimed at the UK (or more precisely England and Wales). For the first time it has gone international! The annual Juventutem Conference is usually held in Switzerland; however, for 2010 it has moved to Berkshire in England.

During the weekend of the 10-12 September 2010. Young Catholic Adults will be running a Traditional Retreat at Douai Abbey, the retreat will be led by Juventutem Ecclesiastical Assistant Fr de Malleray .

The weekend will be full-board

Places are limited so please book early

* YCA will have half of the retreat centre to itself
* There will be a Marian Procession, Rosaries, Sung Mass, Low Mass, Confession and socials
* Fr. de Malleray FSSP head of Juventutem will preach the retreat, Masses will be in the Extraordinary form

Prices range from £5 (approx 6 Euros) to £51 (approx 60 Euros) per person per night .

See for more info:-

How to book - limited places so please reserve your place early
To reserve your place FOR THE WEEKEND (no deposit needed if you are coming for the day on Saturday 5th July), please a 20 pound deposit (NON RETURNABLE) to Damian Barker, Flat 5, 12 St. Catherine Street, Kingsholm, Gloucester, Glos. GL2 9DU (please make any cheques payable to Damian Barker). For enquiries ring 07908105787.

Monday 17 May 2010

THE SAINTS SPEAK: St. Alphonsus de Liguori (Holy Repentance)

ArcadiaFilmsLTD — 06 April 2010 — From heaven, in his own words, St. Alphonsus shares the process of reviewing ones conscience before holy repentance.

EWTIN is Now on Youtube!

Here's a sample of what's on YouTube from Fr. Corapi.

Saturday 15 May 2010

Urgent Plea For Help...! The Good Counsel Network

The Good Counsel Network is a group which works tirelessly to help women in crisis pregnancies. Fr. John Boyle highlighted the dire financial straits the group is in:

Today Good Counsel has £50 in the bank, we needed £445 to buy this week's food vouchers. We are supporting fourteen mothers and their children at the moment, whose only support is this small weekly voucher. Please pray the following prayer for the next nine days and if you can help, donate online (click on the sidebar link) or transfer money into our bank account (phone + 44 (0) 20 7723 1740 or email for details). As times are hard, our income has gone down and our expenses have gone up.

Please forward this message to anyone who you think may help. For more information about Good Counsel see our blog.

Helper of the hopeless

Holy Patroness of those in need, St. Rita, you were humble, pure and patient. Your pleadings with your divine Spouse are irresistible, so please obtain for me from our risen Jesus the request I make of you, that Good Counsel will raise the funds they need and my own request (mention it.)
Be kind to me for the greater glory of God, and I shall honour you and sing your praises forever.
Glorious St. Rita, you miraculously participated in the sorrowful passion of Our Lord Jesus Christ. Obtain for me now the grace to suffer with resignation the troubles of this life, and protect me in all my needs. Amen.

Our Father, Hail, Mary, Glory be to the Father...

They haven't yet set up a PayPal button, though, hopefully, they will do so very soon. I doubt that they'll mind too much which method of payment you make, but the faster the better!

Please help financially if you can, and by prayer either way!

Thursday 13 May 2010

Wednesday 12 May 2010

Pope Pins Abuse Scandal on Church Sin

Pope Benedict XVI says the clerical child abuse scandal shows that the greatest threat to Catholicism comes from "sin within" the Church.

He made his comments in response to a question while en route to Portugal. Critics have previously accused the Vatican of attempting to blame the media and the Church's opponents for the escalation of the scandal. But the Pope made clear its origin came from within the Church itself, and said forgiveness "does not replace justice".

'Need for penance'

"Today we see in a truly terrifying way that the greatest persecution of the Church does not come from outside enemies, but is born of sin within the Church," the pontiff told reporters on a plane bound for Portugal. His comments were his most direct response to media questions, and some of his strongest words yet on the abuse scandal, says BBC Vatican correspondent David Willey, who is travelling with the Pope. Benedict said the Church has "a very deep need" to acknowledge that it must do penance for its sins and "accept purification". However, he added that forgiveness should not be a substitute for justice.

There has been a wave of allegations in the past few months that Church authorities in Europe and North and South America failed to deal properly with priests accused of child sex abuse, sometimes just moving them to new parishes where more children were put at risk. The Pope himself has been accused of being part of a culture of secrecy, and of not taking strong enough steps against paedophiles when he had that responsibility as a cardinal in Rome.

However, his supporters say he has been the most pro-active pope yet in confronting abuse.

'Spiritual crisis'

The Pope later on Tuesday landed at Lisbon, the capital, despite fears that the volcanic ash cloud affecting flights in the region would disrupt his plans.
Portugal is the site of one of Europe's most popular shrines, at Fatima
He celebrated an open-air Mass before a crowd of about 80,000 people in the city. Benedict told the crowd that nothing could destroy the Catholic Church. "The resurrection of Christ assures us that no adverse power will ever be able to destroy the Church," the Pope said during his address the banks of the Tagus river.

During his four-day trip the pontiff was also due to celebrate Mass at the Catholic shrine of Fatima, and in Oporto. Church officials say he will address Europe's spiritual and economic crisis. Although nearly 90% of people in Portugal are reported to be Catholics, only about 20% attend Mass regularly, the BBC's Vatican correspondent, David Willey, reports from Lisbon.

Pope Benedict intended to tell the Portuguese to seek solace in their faith to relieve the gloom of financial hardship, he says. Carlos Azevedo, the auxiliary bishop of Lisbon and the co-ordinator of the papal visit, said on Monday that the pontiff will speak about "the joy of faith and hope". "The moral values guiding the economy and politics show that there is a spiritual crisis," he said.

Portugal has been one of the countries worst affected by the economic problems troubling many European states. The highlight of the trip is a visit to Fatima on Wednesday and Thursday, where a giant outdoor Mass has been planned for as many as 500,000 people. Fatima is one of the main sites of Christian pilgrimage in Europe.

The Pope will be marking the anniversary of the day in 1917 when three Portuguese shepherd children reported having visions of the Virgin Mary in Fatima.

H/t to BBC News, this was an unusually balanced piece from the BBC!!!!!!!!!!!

Monday 10 May 2010

Young Catholic Adults Host International Juventutem Weekend at Douai Abbey

During the weekend of the 10-12 September . Young Catholic Adults will be running the 2010 Juventutem Conference at Douai Abbey, the retreat will be led by Juventutem Ecclesiastical Assistant Fr de Malleray . The weekend will be full-board
Places are limited so please book early
* YCA will have half of the retreat centre to itself
* There will be socials
* Fr. de Malleray FSSP head of Juventutem will preach the retreat, Masses will be in the Extraordinary form.

Saturday 11th – Sunday 12th September (full board)*
51 pounds full-board (except Sunday lunch) PER PERSON PER NIGHT
25 pounds for students/low waged/unwaged (or whatever you can afford)

£35 per person per night (full board). Self catering £25 per person per night (reductions for students:- or whatever you can afford) .

£5 per person per night (or whatever you can afford - please bring your own tent and food ).

How to book - limited places so please reserve your place early
To reserve your place FOR THE WEEKEND (no deposit needed if you are coming for the day on Saturday 5th July), please a 20 pound deposit (NON RETURNABLE) to Damian Barker, Flat 5, 12 St. Catherine Street, Kingsholm, Gloucester, Glos. GL2 9DU (please make any cheques payable to Damian Barker). For enquiries ring 07908105787.

Young Catholic Adults: Newsletter

St Catherine’s Trust have very kindly helped produce the new YCA Newsletter. To download it go here


St Catherine's Trust, is a charitable trust set up in 2004 to promote Catholic education in accordance with the traditional teachings, liturgy and devotions of the Roman Catholic Church. It’s main activity at present is the organisation of annual week-long Summer Schools for young Catholics aged 11 to 18, and annual weekend Family Retreats for Catholic families, usually around Easter. To goto their website goto
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