Steen Heidemann writes about Christian art:-
Making reference to art of the former centuries, Pope Benedict XVI stated (18.11.2009), that sculpture and painting were destined to incite strong impressions on the soul, sentiments that could lead to terminate an existence of depravity, evil and invite the spectator to a life of virtue and a quest for the good. From these demands on the artist there have for centuries been born wonderful pieces of art. It should be noted that one here is not talking about a sterile beauty, but a door which opens to a path leading to Heaven. Works that accompany the faithful in a time frame and a space, different to the ordinary life.
One may ask whether most of Christian art today satisfies these aims and whether to use a phrase of the Holy Father, there is a ‘continuity’ with the past. The paintings presented here aim at beginning to answer the question and to find alternative ways forward better suited to express the message of Christ than what is today termed ‘Contemporary art’ or ‘Financial art’, which often at best accept Christ’s crucifixion, but not His resurrection. This issue – which is largely a semantic distinction - is especially vital to solve in an age where the image has become the king of communication.
This collection is not proscriptive, there is a large diversity of expression; what they have in common is the artist’s courage to brake with the ‘status quo’, to create art with a reference to beauty, truth and goodness and where Christ’s message is clearly, pastorally and attractively presented.. Painters that explore new ways in continuity with the past without copying it, each within his own culture.
It is the hope that this initiative will positively re-lit the torch of Christian art.
For all contacts related to the collection :
· suggestions for other artists
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