I received this very interesting email from the US in my inbox, I had a look and it seems like a very good initiative:-
`I am the 17 year old owner of a Traditional Catholic internet store accessible at latinmassliturgicals.com. We began in the hopes of serving as a one stop resource for altar boys, priests, and laity interested in the Traditional Mass.
After looking at your website, and reading a little bit about your organization, I have been very impressed with your dedication to, and love of, our traditional faith.
As we are still a small, growing company, we would appreciate it if you would post a link to our company (latinmassliturgicals.com) on your website. Our prices are quite competitive, and we strive to provide prompt shipping and excellent customer service.
We would like to offer your members a 5% discount on any order placed before January 1st, 2009. To redeem this offer simply type “traditional catholic” in the coupon/promo code box located on the check out page of the website.'
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