Catholic Retreats Continued....
Douai Abbey 4th - 6th July 2008 - run by Young Catholic Adults
Douai Abbey 4th - 6th July 2008 - run by Young Catholic Adults
Pluscarden Abbey 1st -6th September 2008
I noticed the following on
The Benedictine monks of Pluscarden Abbey are organising a Monastic Experience Retreat for
single Catholic men aged 18-40 to be held at the Abbey on 1st – 6th September 2008. The format will be the same as the successful retreat held last year and those who attend will live the same life as the monks and follow the monastic timetable. They will be in choir with the monks, do some lectio divina (spiritual reading) and prayer as we do, eat in the monastic refectory, do some manual work with the brethren each afternoon etc. There will also be a few talks and discussions on things such as the meaning of monastic life, monastic prayer and the Divine Office, and Gregorian Chant, as well as a tour of the Abbey some periods of recreation and a chance to speak with the brethren.
Of course don't forget during the weekend of the 4th- 6th 2008 July Young Catholic Adults will be running a Traditional Retreat at Douai Abbey, the retreat will be led by Br. Christopher Greener who will give a series of talks on St. Benedict, See:-
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